Matthew 8:16
That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.
That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.
This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: "He took our illnesses and bore our diseases."
When taken in context, the quotation in Isaiah argues for illness and disease to be understood as metaphors for transgressions and iniquities--sins. The passage does not mention physical ailments, but rather is focused on the spiritual problems we cannot solve. Compare 2 Kings 5 with Naaman the leper.
Isaiah 53:4-6
Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned--every one--to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons.
And the whole city was gathered together at the door.
As mentioned in Mark 1:28 (see also the comments there), Mark is preparing us for the events of chapter 2 where a paralytic on a pallet is lowered through the ceiling to Jesus because the crowd prevented any other means of access.
And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
See the comments on Luke 4:35.
Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to him, and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
And demons also came out of many, crying, "You are the Son of God!" But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Christ.
See the comments on Luke 4:35.